Aside from the damage to your home there are some rare health risk associated with having termites.
- Can cause myiasis
- Possibility of mechanical transfer of several infection agents
- Can creep into a person’s middle ear and cause an earache or strange noises.
- Can attack the intestines
- Capable of stringing pets and humans are painful and cause swelling or itching
- Causes allergy
- Can bring on asthma attacks
To protect your family from these health risk while you can be fighting termites follow these suggestions .
Ensure the ventilation in your house is is flowing freely. the rear wheels and grids should always be kept clean you could also live the window open if possible the longer you can do this is day the healthier your environment will be.
Pay attention to cleaning properly take your time when working on the window door wedge furniture and walls make sure you clean truly at least twice a week you may also want to use some disinfectant chemicals such as chlorine bleach, alcoholic sanitizer, Dettol, savlon etc.