Fleas Pest Control

Fleas Pest Control

Any household with pets are susceptible to a flea infestation, these tiny insects are hard to find among fur and can carry diseases which are then passed on to your pet.
Fleas are every pet owner’s worst nightmare. They’re small, they bite, they jump, they breed quickly, and they’re hard to kill, even with multiple baths. These little pests can cause great discomfort to your pets, and are able to spread diseases too.

How to get rid of fleas?

Most shops that sell pet supplies do sell serums and medications to get rid of flea infestations on your pets, however, if infestations are bad enough, fleas are known to fall off the pet and find refuge in furniture. Their eggs are also capable of surviving medicine, and flea infestations often take a while to get rid of.
If fleas have not gotten all over the house, it’s advisable for pet owners to obtain the serums and medications they need, and apply them to the pet after it’s bath. All towels, beds, sheets and other fabrics that had been in contact with the pet should be washed in hot water, and any other furniture sanitised.
If fleas are found crawling in other parts of the house, you might have a large scale infestation, and it is advisable to have professionals come in to disinfect and sanitise the house.